Friday, October 24, 2008

Under 200!

Yay! After a loss of 1.6 at the weigh-in today I'm finally under 200! That road block has been up for quite a while and I'm so glad I made it through! There were several times I wanted to give up because it seemed to hard to get rid of those five pounds. I'm glad I stayed with it. I've seen losses for three weeks in a row now and I'm feeling good. My next goal is 190--then I'll be lower than I've been for five years!

The meeting today was awesome--motivational and helpful. We talked about emotional eating and Nancy put up a great quote:
"If hunger is not the problem, eating is not the answer."

Isn't that the truth? I posted just yesterday about that cheesecake that I ate without even really enjoying it--and I was definitely NOT hungry. Goal for this week--think about the food before I eat it and make sure I'm eating for the right reasons.

Oh, and my sister has started Weight Watchers... she has been super successful in the past and I know she will this time too. It's SO nice to have someone who really understands--and who shares my genes! She has been really helpful to me this week with solutions to problems and motivation to keep going. Thanks Renée!


Micaela said...

Yay! That's awesome! I was wondering how you were doing. :)

Jamie said...

Woohoo! Nice job! Glad to hear you finally made it over that hurdle. Keep goin'!

The Toronto Family said...

YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!! LUELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeannie Young said...

Congrats! That is awesome! I haven't been on this blog for a bit, so it was fun to catch up and see your progress. You give me motivation to eat better. I only have like 7 lbs I would LOVE to lose to be back to my pre-baby weight, but it's so hard! I know I eat too much late at night and my big problem is sugar and snacks. I know I will feel so much better if I can just cut the sugar and sweets out and only have them once in a while and in moderation. Those pumpkin chocolate cookies that you gave me the recipe for are my downfall lately. Why do I keep making them? I eat like 6 or more a day!!! Tomorrow is a new week so I will start anew on eating better! Thanks for the motivation!

Shalei said...

Hooray for you!!! I love this blog!!! I have been inspired. Since Adia was born I've been so depressed.. I feel so huge and unhealthy. I started that pregnancy 30lbs over my healthy weight and gained 32 during. Reading about all your success has given me new hope.. Thank you for sharing something so personal.