Satisfaction! I swear, I just cannot get my fill today. I feel like a bottomless pit! This tends to happen to me whenever I put a deadline on a certain weight or make a goal for weight loss that I really have no control over. I am forever learning in this process--my body will not be rushed.
I had big ideas of losing 2.4 lbs this week to make it to 200, and it's making me crazy. There is something psychological that happens to me when I start to tell myself that I have to be a certain weight at a certain time . . . it backfires! All of the sudden, all I want to do is eat, and the peanut butter starts calling to me from behind the cupboard doors--I can eat a full days worth of points in seconds flat.
It's good to have goals--really good, but a goal you can't control? There is no "If I try hard enough, for sure I will lose ___ pounds this week." There have been weeks when I did everything right, did not eat my weekly points allowance, and worked out twice a day, and still I saw only a small loss. There are too many variables in this experiment to be able to guess the weekly outcome. THEREFORE, I vow to stop making number goals. That is, I'm not going to put a deadline on my weight loss. I'm in it for the long haul, some weeks will be small losses, some will be big, but number goals are out.
Phew. I feel better. The pressure was getting to me, and it was manifesting itself in small bouts of binge eating . . . a few chocolate chip cookies, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a handful of goldfish--all things I don't eat on a regular basis. My points were gone today by 4 pm! I'm glad the pressure's off and I can go back to doing the best I can--staying on plan, eating well and not sweating the numbers.
My goal for the rest of this week: Stay on plan, journal every point, stay positive and gear up for St. John eating challenges (It's gonna be hard--I'll need all the willpower I can get!)
Isn't that funny how connected our mind and body are? I have had a similar reaction when I swear off of any and all sweets---I instantly start craving them more than ever! I am always reminded of a simple statement from one of my health classes at BYU . . . "variety in moderation." That is the key.
So, when do you leave for St. John? Did I mention how jealous I am?!? =)
Okay, so I took the time to read your previous post! You leave Friday! Have fun, I will miss you on facebook! =)
Just wanted to say bye...
and don't fret too much about the "St. John eating challenges"...try to eat the best fresh local produce and fish. You'll do great, b/c you won't be eating so much processed stuff, just eat local & fresh (foods prepared without fake ingrediants). That's what i love about traveling. You might be surprised at the scale when you get back ;-) Have an amazing time!! LIZ
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