Friday, August 15, 2008

Well, Crap.

Damn, damn, damn. I don't usually swear, in fact, I can't really do it. Once in the heat of an argument with Ben I told him he was being an a**hole and right then the argument was over because he busted up laughing! So, the swearing is proof of my frustration right now. I was so happy about my 2.4 lb loss last week . . . I had finally broken through the slump--and now I have to report a stupid 2.6 lb gain!! How frustrating is that?

I got an email yesterday from an old friend asking me how I stay so positive . . . unfortunately, I'm not feeling so positive today! I'm not giving up, that's for sure, but I certainly don't feel extra motivated. I'm racking my brain thinking about this week and what I did wrong. The biggest concern I can think of is that I was not very stringent about journaling this week. There were a couple of days when it was past lunchtime before I actually recorded what I had eaten that day. That's probably not very smart. It's just too easy to put things in your mouth and then forget you ate them!

I exercised pretty well, although my knee is bugging me (surgery coming up on October 9th), so I didn't push myself like I usually do. I like to exercise, and I try to get in a workout at least five out of seven days, but I find that my food choices make a much bigger difference than my workouts. I like to feel like I'm building muscle tone and I'm trying really hard to rid myself of the "muffin top", so the exercise definitely makes a difference in body composition. I firmly believe that a person can be extremely thin and yet completely out of shape. That's not my goal, so I work hard to get enough exercise. For me though, the exercise is about 15% of the equation and food choices are 85%. I see much better results when I make better food choices.

So, my goals for this week are to journal faithfully--to count every single thing I put in my mouth. At meetings I've heard that "BLT's" (bites, licks and tastes) can make a big difference. Also I'm going to work harder on meeting the 8 Good Health Guidelines which are:
  1. Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily
  2. Choose whole-grain foods whenever possible
  3. Include 2 servings of milk products each day
  4. Drink at least 6 glasses of water each day
  5. Have some healthy oil each day (2 tsp of olive, canola, safflower or flaxseed oil).
  6. Make sure you get enough protein (2 servings each day)
  7. Limit added sugar and alcohol
  8. Take a multi-vitamin each day
Oh! I thought of one more thing . . . I've been buying the 100-calorie pack snacks lately, for me and for the kids, and this week I definitely ate too many of them. They're supposed to be an every-once-in-a-while snack and I've been eating a few a day. That's definitely abuse of the 100-calorie pack system! I really need to cut down on the snacky stuff and use my points for fruits, veggies, protein, and whole grains. Now, that's a good idea!

I'm over the gain . . .WHATEVER! I'll just do my best this week and see if I can beat it next Friday.


Jamie said...

When I read the first sentence, I had to double check to make sure I was reading the blog I thought I was!! Too funny.

I know it's disappointing, but I'm glad to see you're not too discouraged. And while it's nice to lose weight, the fact that you are making better choices than you were before and getting a healthier body in the process, is encouraging. Eventually those darn 2 points will leave for good! Don't give up!

Heather said...

Hi! Do you weigh yourself at home? I spent $40 or so at Costco on a good digital scale to keep at home. I don't weigh every day, but a couple times a week in the morning to help me know how things are going. Then I know if I'm creeping up a half a pound or something and I can work harder before Friday rolls around! It also works well the other way around; I usually do much better on my eating if I weigh myself and discover I've lost that day--I don't want to mess up what I've accomplished. Just a thought! Hang in there!