Friday, August 8, 2008


Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I finally had a nice loss! 2.4 lbs, which brings me to a total of 30 lbs lost since beginning Weight Watchers. I got clapped for today!!

I didn't feel any particular way going into the weigh-in this morning, but I was hopeful. I was very careful this week and I didn't use all of my weekly allowance points, and it paid off nicely. It was great to get another five-pound sticker (6 of them now!) and to feel like I'm finally over the hump. I've been struggling with the same two pounds up and down for four weeks now and today I finally banished them forever! Be gone, two pounds!!

The leader (there was a sub again... I can't wait for Nancy to come back from her vacation next week!) asked me what I've changed or what I'm doing to be successful and my answer was that I just keep doing it. I just keep on keeping on. That's the key. Every other time I've started a "diet", I always have an end date in mind. The "after I lose fifty pounds, I can go off this crazy diet" kind of mindset. I think I have finally come to the place where I understand that this struggle of mine is going to be with me forever, and I'm going to have to fight it forever. That's why this lifestyle has to be forever. Whether I gain or lose one week, I just stay on plan and keep on going . . . overall, there is definitely a downward trend! Check out my progress graph:

Gotta love that "downward trend"!
At the meeting we also talked about thinking about the food we're eating before we put it in our mouth. It's important to keep track and stay accountable for what you're eating, but it's also important to try and eat things that are healthy for you. You can definitely work in plenty of desserts and sweets with the points, but that's not necessarily the healthiest way to eat. So, this week I'm going to ask myself before I eat something, "Is this good for my body?"


Jamie said...

Yay!! All that hard work finally paid off! Nice job. See you in a few days.

Heather said...

Congratulations! Good for you! Nancy will be so happy for you when she gets back. I'll see you Friday (I have to admit, I didn't come today because I knew Nancy wouldn't be there). Way to go!

The Toronto Family said...

WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Just Julie* said...

Yay Luella!!

Micaela said...

That's awesome! Way to go!